The Week Ahead…
On Monday, our Transition Year enjoyed a special JFK Forensics Workshop uncovering all of the mysteries surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy. On Thursday, in sporting news, the school will compete in the Senior Leinster Frisbee Cup and our 2nd Year Hurling team face Terenure. On Friday the 24th, the TY football team play Skerries. This is also Catholic Schools Week with various activities planned throughout the week and time given during Tutor periods to reflecting on this year’s theme of ‘Living life to the full in areas of our lives like Friendships and our communities etc.’ More information on Catholic Schools week is available on the following link: https://catholiceducation.ie/catholic-schools-week-2025-alive-in-christ/ We are also approaching Chinese New Year on the 29th of January. This year is The Year of the Wood Snake and TYs are busy decorating the school for this next week! We hope to have some events on Monday to celebrate the advent of this year’s New Year!