November 2023

Science Week

We celebrated Science Week last week asking our students to consider what it means to be human in today’s world, and how the decisions we make today will impact humans of the future! As part of our Science Week activities, Students took part in a number of fun, interactive experiments!

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‘A History of St. Fintan’s High School’ Book Launch

The launch of ‘A History of St. Fintan’s High School’ written by teacher, Shane Gilleran will take place on Tuesday, the 28th of November in the Elphin Function Room in Baldoyle at 7:30pm. The book has been written by Shane to celebrate 80 Years of St. Fintan’s High School and encapsulates the history of our school and the contributions made to it’s 8o year history by former brothers, principals, deputy principals, teachers, students, boards of management, parents’ associations, past pupils and members of the surrounding community. Decade by decade, Shane brings us down memory lane, describing the ups and downs of school life amid the social changes of the time. He also shares memories of past pupils and teachers which add a colourful and often humorous dimension to the story of our school. We would be delighted to welcome you all to the book launch on the 28th of November to celebrate the occasion with us. Should you wish to attend, please email an expression of interest to [email protected]. This will allow us to gauge the numbers attending. Copies of the book will be available to purchase on the night for €15.00 and we would really appreciate your support in this regard. All funds received will be used to cover the cost of the publication and any future profits will be used to support extra-curricular and othe activities in the school. Should you be unable to attend on the 28th, we would be most grateful if you could please support Shane, and the school by purchasing a copy of the book at some stage after the launch. We will let you know how to go about buying it soon after the launch.

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Stand Up & Be You Week!

A hugely successful week has ended celebrating Stand Up & Be You and the launch of our Allyship Club on Thursday! We have had an action-packed week with activities for all of our year groups including scratch art created by 1st Years, friendship bracelets made in 2nd Year SPHE, a giant outdoor chalk mural completed by 3rd Years and Transition Years and a movie screening of Bohemian Rhapsody for 5th and 6th Years! On Wednesday this week, the whole school came together in a kaleidoscope of colour to create a multicoloured heart drone pic out on the field! On Thursday, we launched our Allyship Club, a wonderful initiative spearheaded by 6th Year, Cúán Bannon O’Regan with a ribbon cutting ceremony and tea and cake! We carried out LGBTQ+ Awareness Presentations during Tutor time all week and we hope we have raised awarenesss amongst our whole school community about the importance of creating a welcoming school for all where we celebrate each other’s individuality and everybody’s right to be completely themselves!    

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6th Year Art Students go to Paris!

Our 6th Year Art group enjoyed a very successful Art & Culture trip to Paris last week during mid-term. We covered a huge amount of ground over the four day trip including a visit to the Louvre Museum, The Musee D’Orsay, Museé Picasso, Sacre Coeur and the Arc de Triomphe! We got to explore the fantastic and inspiring No. 59 Rivoli, a cooperative space in the centre of Paris where the students were able to see artist’s working in their own studio spaces. We also enjoyed a trip along the Seine on the Bateaux Mouches River Cruise and a Tuk Tuk tour through the main landmarks of central Paris. It was a very enjoyable and inspiring trip for all and a good chance to practice a bit of French for the orals!! Enjoy our gallery below of some snapshots of the trip!          

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