St. Fintan's High School

Transition Year Overview

To provide a structured, supportive environment which promotes maturation

TY is a compulsory year in St. Fintan’s High School. It is essential in the emotional, intellectual and spiritual development of our students. It is considered to be an important ‘bridge’ between the Junior and Senior Cycles. This is echoed in our use of ‘P O N S’, the Latin for bridge, to identify our four classes.

Our students are given every opportunity for personal growth, and a chance to make a more informed decision about their future paths. We view the TY programme as a way to nurture citizens that will be of great value to the workforce and to society as a whole.

We view the TY programme as a way to nurture citizens that will be of great value to the workforce and to society as a whole.

The basic rationale for Transition Year can be outlined under ten headings:

To provide a structured, supportive environment which promotes maturation.
To develop a wide range of cognitive and emotional processes to create self-aware, reflective students.
To allow students to explore and recognise their personal strengths.
To provide breadth and balance in the curriculum.
To promote experiential learning through problem-solving and team activities.
To encourage networking with other schools and social agencies.
To have variety in teaching and learning styles.
To develop digital literacy.
To encourage more innovative types of assessment.
To lead the student to the point where self-regulated learning takes place.

Transition Year

Grease – The Musical

One of the massive highlights of the school year is the three night run of the Transition Year musical.

Transition Year

Ski Trip 2018 – Austria

Each year a group of Transition Year students take to the slopes on what is annually regarded as one of the highlights of the year.

Young Social Innovators 2018

Over the course of the last two years St. Fintan’s High School teacher Mr. Sam has introduced the YSI programme as a key component of the Transition Year programme

Transition Year

French and Spanish Trips

Our annual French Exchange sees a group of St. Fintan’s students visit with students from Lycée de la Côtière – and vice versa. A group of St. Fintan’s Spanish students took part in a trip to Barcelona.