St. Fintan's High School

Book Lists

Junior Cycle Schoolbook Scheme

Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme for the 2024/25 school year.

For the 2024/25 school year all students in the Junior Cycle years in St. Fintan’s High School will
receive free schoolbooks, relevant copies and a calculator. These will be collected from the school by
the students on their return in August 2024.
“Schoolbooks” includes all relevant schoolbooks, including ebooks at Junior Cert level. It also covers
workbooks in use in the school to support teaching and subject learning at Junior Cycle. It also
includes necessary additional texts such as novels and plays for English or books of past Junior Cycle
examination papers for all subjects. 
Funding for the scheme in 2024/25 is being provided directly to post-primary schools by the
Department of Education. Schools now have responsibility for providing schoolbooks and core
classroom resources to all Junior Cycle students at the start of forthcoming school year.
Parents/Guardians of students commencing second and third year will have already purchased a
significant amount of the schoolbooks and classroom resources required for Junior Cycle. Any
additional schoolbooks and core classroom resources required by students in second and third year
will now be covered under the new scheme.
All schoolbooks and core classroom resources provided under the new scheme will remain the
property of the school, so that they can be reused in future years (where applicable).
Schoolbooks will be provided on loan to students for the duration of the 2024/25 school year and
must be returned to school at the end of the 3 years of Junior Cycle. 
Please remind your child to take care of their schoolbooks and classroom resources and keep them
in good condition during the period that they are in their possession. It is not permitted to write
on schoolbooks.
Students will need to purchase their own pens, pencils, highlighters etc.
There may also be some additional classroom resources that are not covered by the scheme. Further
details (if any) on what items parents/guardians will need to supply for the return to school in
August 2024 or pay a fee to the school for, will be itemised and communicated to parents/guardians
by the school in due course.