Happy Easter!
Wishing all Students, Staff and their families a very Happy & Restful Easter Break. Best of luck to all of our 6th Years who will be taking their oral exams over the next week!
Wishing all Students, Staff and their families a very Happy & Restful Easter Break. Best of luck to all of our 6th Years who will be taking their oral exams over the next week!
Huge congratulations to our Transition Years on their fantastic production of ‘Beauty & The Beast’ which had it’s final run on Saturday night. Congratulations also to our TY Entrepreneurs and 2nd Year Entrepreneurs for their impressive results at the Fingal Final of the Student Enterprise Awards (report to follow). Lot’s happening this week as we lead in to Easter Holidays. In sport, our Senior Hurlers will play against Aidan’s Community College today and Transition Years and 5th Years will take part in a Hurling Blitz in DCU tomorrow! Also tomorrow, 2nd Years will take part in the All-Ireland Badminton Finals, best of luck to all competing! On Thursday, Aidan’s 3 will visit Dáil Eireann and 2nd Year Hurlers play Coláiste Eoin. All of our 5th Years will attend a campus tour of UCD on Friday and our 1st Year Gaelic Football team will play Donabate.
Well done to our 3rd Year students who entered the Pi Quiz which was held at Santa Sabina Dominican College on International Pi Day! The students competed in a quiz against many local secondary schools and answered some very complicated Maths questions. There were 32 entries in total. St. Fintan’s High School entered 4 teams and we came in 9th, 10th, 11th and 14th place in the competition. This is the first year we have entered this competition and we would like to thank Santa Sabina Dominican College for their hospitality on the day.
A brilliant opening night last night for the Annual Transition Year musical. The very talented cast of Beauty and the Beast took the audience by storm last night with great performances, amazing dance routines and fabulous entertainment. Break a leg all for the next two nights performances! Look out for further pics next week!
A full programme of events is planned this week to celebrate Seachtaín na Gaeilge ! On Monday – We have a TV producer speaking to 6th Years about opportunities afforded to Irish speakers in various industries. On Tuesday, 2nd years will take part in a table quiz. On Wednesday, TY students will take part in a film festival. On Thursday, 3rd years will take part in a table quiz and finally on Friday, Conradh na Gaeilge will host an Irish language workshop for 5th year students. Outside of the scheduled ‘imeachtaí’ above we will have a number of other events such as ‘Comórtas na bPóstaeir’ for 1st year students, a ‘Memes as Gaeilge’ competition for 3rd years and a ‘Pléigh agus Tae’ speaking session for 6th year students.
Jubilant scenes last Thursday afternoon as our Senior Rugby Team beat High School to take the Vinny Murray Cup! A fantastic achievement and another milestone in the success of St. Fintan’s Rugby! Huge congratulations to all of the team and their coaches Mr. Kaveh and Mr. Hennessy
Another busy week ahead as our 6th Years prepare for their French Orals. Some of our 6th Year group will visit Alliance Francaise on Tuesday as part of their preparations. We are in full flow countdown to our annual TY Musical which has it’s opening night next Thursday the 14th of March. Best of luck to all in all the final rehearsals and last minute preparations. In Sports this week, our 1st Year Soccer team will play Malahide on Tuesday. There will be Athletics for 1st to 3rd Years on Wednesday and our Senior Rugby team will compete with High School at Donnybrook on Thursday for the Vinny Murray Final. 1st and 2nd Year Basketball will compete against Oatlands on Friday. Good luck to all competitors this week!
We had a very successful Scifest Week last week with lots of activity around the school. On Tuesday last, our 2nd Years took part in SciFest@school. 45 science projects were on display. The students had spent weeks researching and testing their hypotheses before putting their findings on display. Students shared their work with their peers and other year groups. The work was judged by Ms. Catherine Tattersall from SciFest, Dr. Peter Knief and our own Ms. Aideen Lambe. The winners were: 1st Prize: How does hand sanitiser affect bacteria? by Joseph Kirwan and Kyle Coogan 2nd Prize: How does the length of time an egg is in vinegar affect how high it bounces? by Kamal Risk, Erikas Sruogis, Harry Stone and Kyle Trehy Highly Commended: Investigating how temperature affects the bounce of a tennis ball: by Gavin Pluck, Craig Smart, Leo MacAmbhlaoibh Fintan’s Spirit Prize: Insoles and their effect on how high you jump: by Conal Feely, Ronan Magsalay, Liam Cronan Eir Grid Prize: What insulates a person best? by Max Casey, Anthony Hobbs, Josh Egan Well done to all involved! Last Thursday, our 5th Years had a very interesting talk by Scientific researcher and Lecturer Dr. Bernard Drumm of Dundalk IT. He outlined why and how he became a Scientist. The students learned about all the pathways to become a Scientist and the opportunities that lie ahead for them. On Friday, our 1st Years enjoyed a Science quiz and Science riddles facilitated by the Science Department and Prefect volunteers. All during the week, tutor classes were shown short Science related videos and we had a school wide Science riddle announced every morning with a prize for the first student to solve the problem! A very enjoyable week overall where we all learned and discovered lots. Many thanks to the Science Department for all the hard work involved!
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