It’s an extremely busy week ahead as we prepare for Summer Exams and to say goodbye to our 6th Year’s on Friday! We are holding a ‘Focus on Wellbeing/Focus on Nature’ event all week with various activities organised for students as they prepare for their end of year exams. Transition Years started the week with their interviews showcasing and discussing their achievements and successes this year! On Tuesday, it’s another active day for our TY group with a talk from a visiting Barrister and the Gaisce Bronze Award Trip which will take place in Glendalough. Also on Tuesday, Tennis Season continues with our Minor Team competing with Gonzaga College. Finally, our 6th Years will attend their 6th Year Mass to mark the end of this very important year. On Wednesday, TY’s will have a further talk with a representative from the Central Bank. Our students will be competing in the Athletics Leinster Finals in Santry and our 1st Year Hurling Team will play Terenure College. Also on Wednesday, our Senior Tennis Team will compete with St. Gerards. On Thursday, our Senior Hurlers meet Terenure in the Senior Hurling Final. Finally, on Friday there is much anticipation for the annual Student/Teacher Match and farewell celebrations for our 6th Year Graduating Class as they prepare for their Leaving Certificate Exams! We Will Miss You, Class of 2024!!