Happy Halloween Break
Wishing all Students, Staff and their families a FRIGHTENINGLY well deserved Mid-Term Break. Have a great relaxing time CHILLING out!!! Check out our gallery of X-Ray skeleton hands done by our 1st Year Art Group!
Wishing all Students, Staff and their families a FRIGHTENINGLY well deserved Mid-Term Break. Have a great relaxing time CHILLING out!!! Check out our gallery of X-Ray skeleton hands done by our 1st Year Art Group!
Maths Week kicked off on Monday the 13th of October with some lovely posters made by students and staff. The school was decorated with notes detailing many different concepts in Maths. Cross-Curricular Links with Maths Some of the events held for students included cross-curricular links with Physical Education and Maths including a basketball game. Students were challenged to problem solve and match up scoring in a basketball hoop with the matching ball. Problem Solving Games Our Junior Cycle classes took part in a problem solving game using the topic: functions, in order to build two dimensional cities. Students showed great team work, problem solving skills while learning about functions mixed with lots of fun. Well done to all who took part. Riddle of the Day Students took part in the Riddle of the Day. Answers flooded in when the riddles were announced and displayed. Well done to all who took part and those who answered them correctly. Winners were picked out from the large number of corrected answers. Please see link below for our Maths Week Newsletter with pics of the week! https://stfintanshs.ie/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Maths-week-2-1-1.pdf
It’s been an active few weeks for our Transition Years both in school and out and about! Students have been immersed in our Life Skills & Expedition Skills modules learning skills such as woodworking and DIY, maintenance and surviving outdoors. Students also took part in a cookery class at Howth Castle Cookery School creating Italian and French cuisine. Sailing and Surfing classes have continued and our students have participated in City Culture Trips visiting the National Gallery in Dublin. We were treated to a very informative workshop on Barbering as a career by past student and Barber, Gareth Moriarty with a few students getting a cool new cut! Our Barista courses are in full swing for students and Our TY Enterprise Programme is up and running. We look forward to seeing the innovative ideas and business ventures from students in the months to come. We had a very insightful and informative talk this morning on gambling awareness and addictive behaviours from Tony O’Reilly. The students were fascinated by Tony’s own experiences and his insight into recognising addictive behaviours and triggers!
We kickstarted Dyslexia Awareness Month on the 8th of October to mark World Dyslexia Awareness Day. The global campaign ‘Go Red for Dyslexia’ is being marked around the school this month with red themed displays. We had several red themed events on the 8th including the distribution of red pins for all students, competitions and a bake sale to raise funds for our AEN Department. Thanks to all involved in highlighting Dyslexia on the day and throughout this month – Our CDI Ambassadors, TY CDI Team and CDI Staff Committee.
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