Seachtaín na Gaeilge
A full programme of events is planned this week to celebrate Seachtaín na Gaeilge ! On Monday – We have a TV producer speaking to 6th Years about opportunities afforded to Irish speakers in various industries. On Tuesday, 2nd years will take part in a table quiz. On Wednesday, TY students will take part in a film festival. On Thursday, 3rd years will take part in a table quiz and finally on Friday, Conradh na Gaeilge will host an Irish language workshop for 5th year students. Outside of the scheduled ‘imeachtaí’ above we will have a number of other events such as ‘Comórtas na bPóstaeir’ for 1st year students, a ‘Memes as Gaeilge’ competition for 3rd years and a ‘Pléigh agus Tae’ speaking session for 6th year students.