6th Year Art Students go to Paris!
Our 6th Year Art group enjoyed a very successful Art & Culture trip to Paris last week during mid-term. We covered a huge amount of ground over the four day trip including a visit to the Louvre Museum, The Musee D’Orsay, Museé Picasso, Sacre Coeur and the Arc de Triomphe! We got to explore the fantastic and inspiring No. 59 Rivoli, a cooperative space in the centre of Paris where the students were able to see artist’s working in their own studio spaces. We also enjoyed a trip along the Seine on the Bateaux Mouches River Cruise and a Tuk Tuk tour through the main landmarks of central Paris. It was a very enjoyable and inspiring trip for all and a good chance to practice a bit of French for the orals!! Enjoy our gallery below of some snapshots of the trip!