St. Fintan's High School

Sports Science

Sports Science

Teacher: Hugh O’Neill
Sport Science was introduced to St. Fintan’s High School in 2016 as a Transition Year module after it was announced that Leaving Certificate Physical Education would be offered to Irish secondary school students from September 2018.

Sport Science offers students an opportunity to explore areas of physical activity and physical education such as diet & nutrition, sport psychology, anatomy & physiology, drug abuse in sport and pathways to excellence in sport.

Students are assessed in a number of ways including verbal presentations in the classroom, mini-assignments on various aspects of sport science studied and through their participation and contribution to discussions during lessons.

Students are also encouraged to enter a project on an aspect of sport science to the PExpo at the end of the academic year. The PExpo is a very similar initiative to the BT Young Scientist where entrants present a project to a panel of judges.